Monthly Verification

Monthly Verification

Post 9/11 GI Bill® (chapter 33)

In order for Post-9/11 GI Bill® (chapter 33) beneficiaries to continue collecting a monthly housing allowance (MHA), they will need to verify their enrollment status at the end of each month starting on or after December 17, 2021. Failure to verify for two consecutive months will impact their MHA and/or kicker payments. 

There are two ways in which a student will be able to verify his/her monthly enrollment. Students may call the Education Call Center at 888-442-4551, or they may opt to receive monthly text messages asking them to confirm their status. If a student replies “no” by phone or text, VA’s processing office will contact the school for additional information on the student’s enrollment. 

Here is a helpful video on how to verify enrollment for Post-9/11 GI Bill® students:

MGIB Selected Reserve (Chapter 1606) and MGIB-Active Duty (Chapter 30)

MGIB-Active Duty (Chapter 30) and MGIB Selected Reserve (Chapter 1606) beneficiaries must verify their enrollment on the last day of each month in which they are enrolled. This can be done by using the Web Automated Verification of Enrollment (WAVE) website at or calling the VA toll free Interactive Voice Response (IVR) telephone line at 1-877-VA-ECERT (1-877-823-2378).

Enrollment verification update: New “44354” number to verify enrollment

Post-9/11 GI Bill students who opted into text message enrollment verification will now receive enrollment verification texts from the number 44354. Getting texts via a short code means you’ll receive them faster and more consistently than ever. Since short-code senders are verified by mobile carriers, you can trust that it’s VA contacting you! Please be on the lookout for messages from the new number and continue verifying your enrollment as usual.

For more information, please visit the Enrollment Verification webpage.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).